Former SES

Rich Westfield
Having been a member of the SES, an OPM QRB and Agency PRB participant, and involved with SES selections, Rich offers insight and experience other professional resume writing services just can’t match. Rich has over 15 years’ experience assisting people get government jobs and 25+ years’ IT experience in the federal government. As a former member of the SES, Rich has had opportunities to directly participate in the OPM QRB “peer review” process for Executive Core Qualifications. He has also assisted agencies in reviewing SES performance evaluations through agency Performance Review Boards (PRB) and has been on SES selection boards many times.
Because of his former senior-level IT positions and resume consulting experience, Rich offers a very unique set of skills in assisting clients get federal government jobs. He provides expert level coaching and writing, assuring that the required specialized experience is well exhibited in application materials.
Former Chief Information Officer (CIO)
Prior to his retirement from Federal Civil service, Rich spent the last five years of his career in the Senior Executive Service (SES) as the Chief Information Officer (CIO) at the National Labor Relations Board. He was also Co-Chair of the Small Agency CIO Council and a member of the Federal CIO Council representing the small agencies.
Executive Writing Consultant and Small Business Owner
In addition to his own business, Rich is a consultant to other Resume Writing services, with senior-level government jobs as his specialty. He has successfully helped many potential SES with the application process and has prepared ECQs for hundreds of government and private sector employees looking to join the ranks of the SES.
Richard Westfield earned a Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering from the State University of New York at Buffalo and a master’s degree in Management Information Systems from Bowie State University.