Assessment Overview

SES Service charges $395 for an assessment. This includes a phone interview and phone call to discuss our review of your ECQ document. The review is a single-pass read of your 10-pages narrative. No editing or written feedback is provided. Feedback will be provided during the phone conversation. In the event the document review is more extensive, a cost proposal will be provided.

During the interview, I want you to tell me about yourself. Things to discuss:

  1. Whether you you a private sector, non-profit or government employee.
  2. What your current job and responsibilities.
  3. If you are a federal government employee, what is your series, grade level and length of time in current position.
  4. Are there any announcements you are interested in applying for.
  5. Your resume.
  6. Specific questions you may have.

If you are a federal government employee, I expect you are at least a GS-15. If you are military or retired military, I would like to see a rank of at least O-6 unless you have significant private sector experience equivalent to the GS-15 or above. If you are in the private sector, I’ll want to know where you work, the size of your company in terms of employee’s and revenue, who you report to, what your title is, what your job responsibilities are and what your salary is. Only by getting this info, can I make a judgement whether you would qualify or not. I will also tell you about myself and my background.

During the document review conversation:

  1. I’ll give you my assessment if I think the document would pass QRB review.
  2. I’ll give you my assessment of how well you followed the CCAR format.
  3. I’ll give you my assessment of how well you addressed core competencies.
  4. I’ll give you an honest assessment of how well your document is written.
  5. I’ll assess whether you have the appropriate stories for the ECQ’s they are written for.