Professional Assessment and Consultation Services
ECQ Full Service Writing
Cradle to grave assistance in developing and writing your ECQ narrative and resume.
ECQ Review, Edit and Critique (REC)
The REC is usually a single pass through the document. The following activities are performed.
- Review – 10-page review of ECQ document looking for obvious grammar, syntax and spelling issues. Review document to check for CCAR format compliance and core competencies are addressed. Grammar checking software is used to check for other syntax and grammar issues.
- Edit – Will make corrections to grammar, syntax and spelling issues noted in review. Will do light editing of document to address CCAR format or clarify core competencies. SES Service may also add some language to address core competencies where it may apply. Track changes are on for editing.
- Critique – Where light editing is not sufficient, Microsoft Word comments will be used to address weaknesses in the document only the client can address. Weaknesses may include issues with the CCAR format/core competencies, the quality and/or number of the examples used and the writing style in general.
SES Executive Resumes
ECQ based resumes or traditional. Limited to five-pages.
Consultation and ECQ Narrative Review